Intuitive Eating: Transform Your Relationship with Food

Intuitive eating is a nutrition approach that aims to foster a positive relationship between the food we choose to eat and our bodies. It was created by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in the 1990s. Their book, “Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works,” was first created to help individuals break free from the cycle of restrictive dieting and reject diet culture. Their book outlines the “10 Principles of Intuitive Eating,” guidelines that discuss what intuitive eating is and how to practice it. Intuitive eating aims to offer a positive approach to food and nutrition, along with these guidelines, some individuals may consider consulting with a dietitian for specific nutrition recommendations.
What are the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating
The 10 principles of intuitive eating are broken down to help individuals understand its key components and how they can incorporate these positive habits into their routine. The 10 principles are:
- Reject the Diet Mentality
- Honor Your Hunger
- Make Peace with Food
- Challenge the Food Police
- Feel Your Fullness
- Discover the Satisfaction Factor
- Cope with Your Emotions
- Respect Your Body
- Exercise—Feel the Difference
- Honor Your Health
Reject the Diet Mentality and Embrace Intuitive Eating
The first principle emphasizes the importance of letting go of restrictive diets and the belief that there is one diet that works for everyone. Fad diets often limit many food choices, certain ones eliminating food groups entirely, making them hard to sustain. While people may experience weight loss on these strict diets, weight regain is common after the diet is stopped. This is because they foster an “all or nothing approach.” This creates a back and forth between strictly adhering to diets and completely abandoning them, which is usually accompanied by lots of guilt and shame surrounding food. A sustainable diet forsakes these extremes, allowing individuals to incorporate foods that they like, along with a variety of nutritious foods.
Honor Your Hunger
The second principle is to honor your hunger, learning to recognize and respond to physical hunger cues, as it’s important to listen to our body when we are feeling hungry. Restrictive diets create an idea that we are only supposed to eat at mealtimes, but snacking can actually help to promote healthy eating habits. Incorporating nutritious snacks in between meals can prevent us from feeling overly hungry at mealtimes and overeating.
Make Peace with Food
Making peace with food means enjoying it without fear or guilt. This allows us to enjoy our favorite foods in small amounts, rather than feeling like we have to eat a large quantity of it at once. Practicing this can assuage negative feelings around certain foods and lets us enjoy our favorite foods in moderation.
Challenge the Food Police
Challenge thoughts that label foods as “good” or “bad” as they can impose guilt and shame around certain food choices. When you catch yourself having restrictive thoughts after eating certain foods, replace them with kinder and more neutral thoughts. A balanced diet incorporates a variety of foods and certain choices don’t need to be attached to negative emotions and thoughts.
Feel Your Fullness
Just as we would want to listen to our body when we’re hungry, we want to listen to our body for signs of fullness as well. This intuitive eating principle incorporates mindful eating practices. These are methods that try and help us to be present while eating. Some examples are to eat with no distractions, to appreciate the time, energy, and resources used to prepare the meal, to eat slowly, to enjoy the flavors, textures, and smells of the food, and to stop eating when you feel full. These practices can prevent choosing to eat when you aren’t hungry and overeating at mealtimes.
Discover the Satisfaction Factor with Intuitive Eating
This principle emphasizes finding joy and satisfaction in food. Choosing foods that you enjoy, rather than solely focusing on nutrition content, can help us to feel more fulfilled. This principle also includes external factors that contribute to enjoying eating, such as social interactions and settings. When making food choices, know that they can satisfy cravings and be nutritious.
Cope with Your Emotions without Using Food
An important aspect of intuitive eating is to address emotional eating without the help of food. It highlights trying to understand why we feel a certain way and attempting to resolve it without eating. It may help to identify things or situations that trigger certain emotions and to practice healthy coping strategies, such as calling a friend, listening to a favorite song, practicing a hobby that you like, or going for a walk. Remember to be easy on yourself and speak kindly to yourself, like you would to a friend or family member.
Respect Your Body
Accept and appreciate your body for all that it is, rather than striving for idealistic body expectations. We should avoid placing value on our body’s shape and size, as it is so much more than that, it allows us to do all of the things that we love on a daily basis. Try replacing negative thoughts about your body with positive ones. Consider that when you think about your friends and family members, what they look like is usually one of the last things that come to mind, rather their personalities and how they treat you is what we think of most.
Exercise – Feel the Difference
This principle discusses the importance of engaging in physical activity that we enjoy doing and that makes us feel good. Moving our bodies can benefit our overall health, both mentally and physically, and
we are less likely to stick to it if it feels like a chore. Next time you move your body, think about all that your body is able to d
o, rather than focusing on burning calories. These methods can help to create a positive relationship with exercise and can shift our perspective to see it as a source of enjoyment and self-care instead of an obligation.
Honor Your Health – Gentle Nutrition
The tenth principle of intuitive eating highlights making food choices that are both nutritious and enjoyable. It incorporates the concept of being aware of how certain foods make us feel, both physically and emotionally. Finding balance and enjoying certain foods in moderation is a key part of a nutritious diet. Intuitive eating can help you learn what works best for you and make choices that are going to benefit your overall health. The gentle nutrition aspect of this principle allows individuals to have a more relaxed and positive approach to nutrition, an aspect that isn’t present in restrictive diets. Gentle nutrition prioritizes sustainability and overall well-being rather than strict dietary guidelines.
Transform Your Relationship with Food with Intuitive Eating
If you’re wanting to improve your relationship with food and your body, try incorporating the 10 principles of intuitive eating into your nutrition and wellness
habits. Remember to be kind to yourself and to try and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Learning what works for our bodies can take time and practice. Contact us if you’d like to set up a consultation to further discuss intuitive eating practices or other nutrition topics!
For guidance on nutrition and balanced diet/ cancer nutrition, contact to set up a consultation!
Jalpa Sheth Nutrition & Wellness, LLC is a nutrition based private practice serving NY, NJ and coming soon FL. Our board certified registered dietitians can be instrumental in helping you attain optimized nutrition to help achieve your goals around health, fitness, sports, and/or mere weight management.
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