The Weight Management Institute

Are you tired of FADS, SUPPLEMENTS, or just YO-YO DIETING? Trying to make sense of all the contradicting information you inhale from different social media platforms. Wondering, what’s the real solution? If yes, this is the perfect time to consult Jalpa, who takes a scientific approach to weight loss. After all, everybody is different, and so is the story of their weight. Thus, each weight management approach should be 100% customized to individual needs.

Our unique and proven approach to weight management comprises of balanced diet plan and structured exercise plan. Each plan is individualized to meet the needs of each client, which allows for flexibility in regard to cultural cuisines and food distribution. This plan will be focused on achieving long-term, sustainable weight loss, as well as the ability to lose fat while retaining muscles. We do not endorse any Fad Diets or Quick Fixes.

Why call it an “INSTITUTE”?  Because here, not just that we walk you through the actionable diet & exercise plan,  but also explain to you the science behind your metabolism, energy expenditure, role of nutrition and physical activity as well as your individual micro habits around lifestyle and its impact on your weight.

What to Expect?

No Starvation! No Fad
Customized meal
Real Food
Respecting & Embracing
Your Cultural Cuisine

Our Mantra Is Moderation vs Restriction.

At Jalpa Sheth Nutrition & Wellness LLC, we go beyond individualized plans. Join our Weight Management Support Group to connect with a supportive community where you can receive peer insights, find accountability partners, and learn practical strategies for success. Our focus is on creating a safe and welcoming environment where you can share successes, navigate challenges, and receive encouragement throughout your journey. Check our one of its kind of a weight management support group story here! **Please add link to Weight Management Support Group Page after this paragraph.

FAQs for Weight Management

What is the role of a nutritionist in weight management?

While there’s a lot of noise and cluttered info out there around diet and nutrition, it’s more important today than ever to consult a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (board certified) to make sense of the information, choose the right and sustainable path of weight loss and prevent fad dieting.

What qualifications should a nutritionist have for weight management?

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to make sure she/he is board certified.

Should I consult a nutritionist before starting any new exercise routine for weight loss?

Absolutely yes! Fueling up and recovery nutrition are the key to the success of exercise routines.

Is it necessary to follow a strict diet plan to achieve my weight loss goals with the help of a nutritionist?

We promote moderation vs restriction in all aspects!

How often do I need to meet with a nutritionist for weight management support and guidance?

In this highly individualized journey, frequency of follow/ups depends upon your needs, progress and willingness to follow and will be determined at the end of each session.

Can a nutritionist also provide guidance for maintaining weight after reaching my desired goal?

Yes, sustainability and maintenance of appropriate weight is the ultimate goal.

What is the cost of consulting a nutritionist for weight management services?

We accept insurance (Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna and UHC! But for those who have no insurance, we offer discounted rates. Get in touch to find out your exact cost.

Can I consult a nutritionist online for weight management services?

Sure, we do offer Telehealth appointments through HIPAA secure platform.

Is it possible to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet while working with a nutritionist for weight loss?

Absolutely! Balance of nutrients however is the key for which you should take guidance from a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

Will I have to give up certain foods completely as part of a weight management plan recommended by a nutritionist?

Nope! Moderation over Restriction is what we promote.

Any questions? Reach out to us!
We're happy to help.