Fat Loss

Aggressive Fat Loss: The Power of Quality Food and Daily Movements

Fat Loss

If you’re entering a fat loss phase – also known as a diet or a cut – you may be tempted to take some drastic measures. We tend to slash calories to the bare minimum, avoid whole food groups, or even take supplements or medications to speed up the process. Unfortunately, quick fixes are never the answer. They leave you in a place where you never feel satisfied, get easily irritated at the scale, and quickly give into “cheat days”. 

Just because drastic measures usually backfire, it doesn’t mean you can’t be aggressive with your fat loss phase. In this blog, we’ll discuss two ways you can be aggressive with your fat loss without setting yourself up for failure. By focusing on these two things, you can take care of your overall health and stay consistent on your weight loss journey. 

The Power of Quality Food Choices to Enhance Body Fat Loss

The food we consume plays a vital role in our overall health and body composition. When it comes to aggressive fat loss, the quality of your diet becomes even more important. In a fat-loss phase, you do need to cut calories so that you’re not taking in more than you burn. However, choosing nutrient-dense foods can help in several ways. Being satisfied with your meals is a game-changer. 

When you cut calories, but still eat processed food or fast food, this is going to do two things. It will leave you hungry and craving more – which in turn can lead to bingeing. It’s also going to leave you feeling tired and sluggish. Focusing on the quality of your food will allow you to get the nutrients your body needs to function well. If you’re still getting in healthy fats, you’re going to be much less tempted by chocolate or other sweets. High protein choices will keep you satiated. And high fiber carbs keep the gut healthy and give you energy. You’ll sleep better and wake up energized. You’ll feel good about your food and your body.

Three Ways to Choose Quality Food for your weight loss journey

1. Prioritize Whole, Nutrient-Dense Foods:

To get aggressive with your fat loss, focus on nutrient-dense foods for your three main meals. Choose lean meats for ⅓ of your plate – this can be anything like tofu, chicken breast, ground turkey, pork loin, or sirloin. A high-fiber carb also needs to be about ⅓ of your plate. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, quinoa, beans, and rice are all very nutrient dense for the amount of calories they provide. You’ll get essential vitamins and minerals through these foods. Fill the rest of your plate with vegetables to help increase the volume without adding a ton of calories. You also need a fat – oil or nut butter – about the size of your thumb to finish off a well-rounded meal. 

2. Mindful Eating and Portion Control:

Portion control is huge when it comes to aggressive fat loss because calories matter. If you’re constantly overeating, even by just a little, your weight isn’t going to drop like you want it. Take time to measure your food and use smaller plates. Definitely avoid mindless snacking by having your meals and snacks planned out for the day. Slow down while eating and start paying attention to hunger cues. 

3. Hydration:

Don’t underestimate the power of staying hydrated. Drinking an adequate amount of water not only helps maintain proper bodily functions but can also aid in fat loss. Water boosts metabolism, reduces appetite, and promotes better digestion. Aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water per day. Stop drinking liquid calories – they will give you a sugar crash and leave you hungry. Opt for water every time instead and watch the pounds just come right off. 

Exercise for Fat lossThe Power of Exercise Routine

Our bodies were made to move. A sedentary lifestyle does nothing for us except help the body decay faster. Getting in daily movement- not even a full workout each day – can greatly increase your chances of fat loss. It is true that you do need rest days- an intense workout every single day will just burn you out and cause inflammation. But you can still stay active on rest days by going on walks or playing in the yard with your kids. Daily movement is crucial to dropping fat and keeping it off. 

Three Ways to Make Exercise as a Healthy Part of Your Life during your fat loss journey

  1. Combine Cardiovascular and Resistance Training:

To maximize fat loss, it’s crucial to engage in a well-rounded exercise program that combines cardiovascular activities with strength training. Cardio exercises like running, cycling, or swimming elevate your heart rate and burn calories, while resistance training, such as weightlifting helps build lean muscle mass. Muscle is metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories even at rest. By increasing your muscle mass, you won’t have to cut so many calories to lose body fat. And remember, muscle is lean, and fat is bulky. So you don’t have to worry about “bulking up” when strength training. It will do the opposite- make you lean and toned. Incorporate both types of exercises into your routine for optimal results.

2. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

When it comes to fat loss, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be highly effective. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief recovery periods. This type of workout elevates your heart rate, burns a significant number of calories, and stimulates your metabolism even after the workout. These are most fun with a fitness class, so find one you like and work it in two times a week. You’ll find community this way too, and support and accountability can drastically help a fat loss journey. 

  1. Stay Consistent:

Consistency for months is key to achieving aggressive fat loss goals. So you need to make sure you find something you like- otherwise, you won’t be consistent with it. Prioritize it in your schedule. Make it a non-negotiable meeting with yourself. But book yourself for different classes until you find what you really like. Try new activities, and challenge your body in different ways. This not only keeps your workouts enjoyable but also helps prevent burnout. 


If you want more guidance on nutrition and what you need to do to manage your health, email Jalpa to set up a consultation!  

Jalpa is a registered dietitian and nutritionist with a Master’s degree in Health & Nutrition from Brooklyn College, CUNY in New York. She also holds a Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management through the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, CDR.

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Be kind to yourself throughout this process because it is a big change. Your body will start to work optimally as soon as you feed it nutrients and give it love. Celebrate the small victories and respect your body.