Is Your Weighing Scale Showing You The Right Number?

The new year is approaching, and resolutions are in the forefront of our mind. Since we live in a society that is constantly focused on losing weight, it is important to understand weight loss and where exactly the weight is coming from in order to attain sustainable weight loss.

We often look at the scale as an indicator of our success, but what if I tell you to throw the scale away? Yes, you heard it right, your scale can be deceiving and may not give you a complete information about your weight. Weight fluctuates throughout the day and can be lost or gained through fat, muscle, or water.  To maximize health outcomes and sustain the right weight and size, a loss of fat and an increase in muscle mass is important. In all reality, body composition is much more important than the number on the weighing scale!

Fad diets are well known for quick weight loss. The pounds seem to shred off for the first 1-2 weeks, then level off. This rapid loss of weight stems from the loss of water weight and not body fat! Moreover, losing body fat is not as simple as eating less than your total expenditure. Your body tends to hold onto fat for survival purposes as a storage form of energy. It can be challenging to lose body fat and keep it off. Hence, it is imperative to take help from a Registered Dietitian to design a well rounded diet that meets your individual body needs and helps with fat loss.

Be kind to yourself throughout this process because it is a big change. Your body will start to work optimally as soon as you feed it nutrients and give it love. Celebrate the small victories and respect your body.