Nutrition FAQs

What are the most important nutrition facts?

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, the first thing I look at is the ingredients list underneath the nutrition label for hidden ingredients such as  sugar alternatives, preservatives and other additives which may have harmful effects in the long term.

How do you break down nutrition facts?

If you’re a Registered Dietitian like me, you’ll also find yourself studying the nutrition label on the back of a food product. Here’s how we can break down the most commonly used labels to better understand what each ingredient are doing to your body and eventually promote adult weight management: serving size, calories, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sugars, and protein.

Why is nutrition so important?

As an Indian Dietitian, nutrition is one of the most important subjects closest to my heart. A healthy diet throughout life promotes weight loss, healthy pregnancy outcomes, supports normal growth, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

What are the signs of poor nutrition?

The right food in the right amounts are key to a long and healthy life. As you age, your body might have trouble taking in and using vitamins. Here are ways to identify poor nutrition: feeling tired, brittle hair, spoon-shaped nails, dental problems, shift in bowel habits, mental issues, easy bruising, depletion of fat stores, loss of muscle mass, and slow immune response.

What is daily value nutrition?

Daily Value Nutrition is a term on food labels based on Recommended Dietary Allowance designed to help consumers use food labels to plan a healthy diet. DVs are recommended amounts of nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day. DV’s are also an important key that contributes to a healthy vegetarian diet.

What is the role of a nutrition counselor in New York?

Jalpa Sheth is a Registered Dietitian and certified dietitian nutritionist in New York providing nutrition care services that include nutrition needs and food patterns assessment, planning for provision of food as related to physical and nutritional needs. Jalpa Sheth also specializes in diet for pregnancy, toddler nutrition, and tube feedings.

What is the goal in nutrition?

The main goal in nutrition is to promote health and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases by encouraging Americans to consume a healthy diet plan, achieve, and maintain healthy body weights. Jalpa Sheth’s goal as a dietitian is to focus on diet for diabetes and diet for IBS/IBD, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.

What happens when you go to a nutritionist in Jersey City, New Jersey?

When going to a nutritionist in Jersey City, New Jersey, I go in with personal questions to my clients regarding their health nutrition goals. We discuss opportunities and actions to meet the individual needs and preferences of my clients as some also want tips on sports nutrition or general wellness.

How do you set nutrition goals?

It is vital to set small, smart, achievable goals for yourself as part of a plan to ensure your success. If you are committed to the idea of a healthy lifestyle, start avoiding indulgent food and following a temporary low-calorie, unpleasant eating regimen. The best way to start eating for a healthy lifestyle is by making one or two small and sustainable changes at a time.

Can a nutritionist give me a meal plan?

In most cases, anyone other than a Registered Dietitian (RD) is not legally allowed to prescribe meal plans. This means you must not provide a detailed meal plan to your clients and indicate they need to follow that specific meal plan.

How can I maintain my body shape?

Many people are guilty of wishing they could get a sculpted body from eating junk food and watching TV all day. Getting in shape may sound like a long, time-wasting process, but the effort put towards being in shape has many positive effects. If you want to start your journey to having a better body to feel great, here are some tips: a.) Nourish yourself with right foods and portions, b) Have a consistent exercise regimen. C) Be sure to get adequate sleep, and lastly stay motivated! An important key to maintaining your body shape is to set goals and keep a positive mindset.

Why is it important to track your food intake?

The importance of tracking your food intake will give you insight into many aspects of your eating habits and what you are doing well already. Write down a specific and accurate report to stay consistent with your information. Don’t forget to track all the extras; coffee creamer and sugar, condiments, candy stash, beverages etc. Build on what you are currency doing and take small steps to improve your eating habits that will help you be more successfully healthy!

What are the most important nutrition facts?

Here are the Top 10 Nutrition Facts that everyone agrees on:

a.) Supplements can help but never fully replace an actual meal.

b.) Diets work once there is a lifestyle change.

c.) Refined carbs are bad for you.

d.) Added sugars are worst nightmare!

Sustainable diet.

5 Tips to Control Stress & Boredom Related Eating During COVID-19 Pandemic

While the majority of us are under lockdown as a precautionary measure against COVID-19, many of us are struggling with stress or boredom related eating during this time. Though uncertainty & anxiety persists about COVID-19, below mentioned 5 tips are certain to help you cope with stress or boredom related eating.

  1. Develop a consistent eating pattern throughout the day

    Restriction during the day is a sure way to trigger bingeing late at night. Eat three meals a day to keep blood sugar in check and keep your brain sane. Your productivity and mood will drastically increase if you are properly fueled.

  2. Slow down and eat mindfully

    Your body takes a little while to fully digest the food that you have given it. Savor the food you have and put your fork down in between bites to really connect your brain and stomach. Your body knows best when it’s had enough to eat. Trust yourself.

  3. Meal plan

    This is the perfect time to discipline your selves and has simple yet healthy meals. Channel your inner chef, look through old cookbooks, or search online for new recipes.

  4. Stay hydrated

    Water should be your best friend at this time. If you are one of those soda and seltzer water drinkers, this is a good time to substitute it for water.

  5. Journal, read a book or spend quality time with those around you

    It is not often that we get to “relax” and spend time with both ourselves and those loved ones around us. Take this time to do things that you love to really develop a sense of peace a fulfillment in your life.


3 Things to Consider when trying to achieve that “BEACH BODY”

While many of us enthusiasts began our weight loss journey on New Year Day, the rest of us late “bloomers” may be getting started in Spring. With summer right around the corner many of us are buckling down to fit into a new bathing suit. You may be seeing the promise of quickly achieving a beach ready body in time for summer all over your favorite magazines and social media timelines. For years there has been a consensus that losing weight will somehow make your vacations and trips to the beach more enjoyable, but is the rush to lose a few unwanted pounds quickly worth it? The true secret to getting your perfect summer body is…… that there really isn’t one, but there are several things to help you shift your perspective:

1)    Ditching the diet mentality – Many people have grown accustomed to the belief that losing weight can only be achieved by giving up the things they love, thinking negatively about your weight loss plan can easily sabotage your good intentions. It can also create a cycle of weight loss followed by weight gain and sometimes more than before by not being able to stick to a strict diet.

2)    Stop depriving yourself- Small changes throughout the year are much easier to manage than a complete overhaul. Being consistent with your weight loss plan all year round eliminates the need for restrictive diets in order to lose weight fast. Telling yourself that you don’t need or can’t have something because it will undo all of your hard work often has the opposite effect It can cause binges that can make getting back on track difficult.

3)    Setting realistic goals- When it comes to time frames for weight loss, slow and steady wins the race. Trying to lose an unrealistic amount of weight in a short period of time may leave you feeling discouraged when you’re not getting immediate results or have reached a weight loss plateau.

Siblings of Sugar

Are you confused about sweet-tasting foods despite the box saying “No sugar added”? You are not alone, sugar is replaced by many slow-releasing sugar alternatives or derivatives and it’s difficult to recognize most of them. This post will help you to familiarize yourself with common sweeteners found anywhere from your go-to snack for early morning commutes to your favorite brand of toothpaste. We call them Siblings of Sugar!

1) High Fructose Corn Syrup is a highly processed sweetener made from corn starch. Due to its lower cost food companies use it in place of sugar in many sodas, candy, and condiments. It may even be found in foods such as flavored yogurts, bread, and cereals that are marketed as “healthy”. HFCS has come under fire over the past several years with claims that it is worse than regular cane sugar and directly linked to the obesity epidemic, fatty liver, and insulin resistance which fall under the umbrella of Metabolic Syndrome.

2) Maltodextrin is made from corn, rice, wheat, or potatoes and highly refined into a powdered sweetener. It is not particularly as sweet as sugar but, is often used to add texture, thicken and prolong the shelf life of products. It is marketed primarily towards athletes in popular sports drinks and supplements for recovery but, has been found to have no nutritional value. Due to it being a highly refined carbohydrate it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, which is less than ideal for Diabetics. If consumed in large amounts it can cause spikes in glucose levels and weight gain due to insulin resistance.

3) Dextrose is chemically processed from corn. Although It is used in some food products, it has also been utilized effectively in the medical field. Dextrose is made into a solution used for IV drips or mixed with other medications to balance electrolytes and provide extra calories. Dextrose tablets are used in the treatment of low glucose levels in Diabetics. Since it has a similar molecular structure to glucose high amounts are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream resulting in Hyperglycemia.

4) Sugar Alcohols such as Xylitol, Mannitol, Sorbitol, Isomalt, and Erythritol are chemically processed carbohydrates made from fruits and vegetables. They are used in products marketed towards people with Diabetes and in oral hygiene products. What sets them apart from most sweeteners is how they are digested. Sugar alcohols are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream and are only partially digested making them lower in calories than regular sugar. Caution should be used with excess consumption of products containing Sugar Alcohols due to the undigested portion being fermented by bacteria in the large intestine which can lead to diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal cramping.

**For more information and professional advice, set up an appointment using our contact form.**

A Myth-Buster before New Weight Loss Regimen

MYTH # 1. Foods “melt” body fat!

Decreasing body fat is more involved than just taking a shot of Apple cider vinegar, drinking 5 cups of green tea a day, or eating a grapefruit with every meal to boost your metabolism. Consuming food like these alone and not making any other dietary changes won’t necessarily yield results.

MYTH # 2. You need to do a cleanse!

Ever been annoyed when someone else tries to tell you how to do your job? One of the many roles of your vital organs includes detoxification. Many products are marketed to make us think we can cure fatigue, stop headaches, or lose weight. There is no scientific evidence that detoxes, or cleanses are more effective than our bodies natural ability to remove toxins or that they encourage weight loss.

MYTH # 3. Appetite suppressants are safe!

Companies market products like teas or lollipops make claims that they can suppress your appetite and help you consume fewer calories. You may be wasting money on products instead of incorporating foods that are more satisfying. Many products containing stimulants are not safe for long term use, can have adverse side effects, and are not proven to effectively promote weight loss.

MYTH # 4. Quick weight loss equals fat loss!

Everyone’s body is different and some of us lose weight easier than others. Losing weight using unsustainable or restrictive methods may result in a few quickly lost pounds but, can also be deceiving. Strict dieting can result in a loss of water weight and muscle instead of body fat causing you to reach a plateau soon after beginning your resolution.


5 Things that can keep you from pursuing your Weight Loss Resolution in 2019

As the year winds down, many of us are gearing up to kickstart our weight loss resolutions. There is never a better time to start focusing on your health and well-being then the present moment, but It may seem that just as soon as you’re getting started things aren’t going quite the way you expect! Past failures, negative thoughts, and feelings may influence the way you approach your goals. While many roadblocks can’t be avoided it is important to be prepared when you come across them. One of the most important things to do is to recognize several things that can keep your from achieving many of your weight loss goals, here are a few:


  1. Setting unrealistic goals for yourself
  2. Measuring your overall success on only short-term results
  3. Doing it all by yourself instead of having a support system
  4. Following the diet mentality rather than focusing on well-rounded nutrition
  5. Being inconsistent

To learn more and get professional advice, visit


5 FADS to watch out as you start your Weight Loss Resolution:

When you think of the word “TREND” it should describe your fashion choices, not the way you choose to lose weight. FAD DIETS are nothing but a TREND. Fad diets range from being extremely restrictive, excluding entire food groups, to just plan odd. Some fad diets will help you drop a few pounds quickly, but not necessarily safely or permanently. Before you consider a diet, ask yourself, is it sustainable and do the benefits outweigh the risks?

Here’s the inside story of some of the such popular, trendy but FAD Diets that you may have heard of in recent times:

1. THE KETOGENIC DIET– Unless you suffer from Epilepsy, this diet may not be meant for you. Ever heard anyone rave about having the Keto flu? In addition to the unpleasant period of withdrawal, depriving your body of energy producing Carbohydrates makes if difficult and potentially dangerous to stick to long-term and not to forget the long term side effects like high cholesterol and dyslipidemia.

2. GLUTEN FREE DIET– Have you felt the symptoms of bloating and cramping after a plate of pasta or a bowl of your favorite cereal? If not then you most likely don’t suffer from Celiac Disease. There may be a placebo effect when people claim to feel more energized after removing Gluten from their diet. While the diet is not harmful or difficult to maintain long-term, it will likely have little effect on weight loss since you are essentially swapping one source of carbohydrate for another.

3. THE MILITARY DIET– Just the name alone is intimidating. Imagine having to wake up at the crack of dawn for never ending drills while being sleep deprived. It’s probably similar to the way your body feels after being subjected to a daily intake of 1000-1200 calories during a 3-day restriction cycle followed by a 4-day rest cycle that is also low in calories just not as low as the first 3 days which you repeat until you reach your goal weight.

4. THE PALEO DIET– Do you think a diet adapted to mimic a typical caveman’s 40,000 years ago will help you lose weight? While it does incorporate foods such as lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables it excludes everything cultivated by “modern technology” which in this case is 10,000 years ago. It also excludes whole grains, beans, and dairy which we know are excellent sources of fiber and protein.

5. INTERMITTENT FASTING – Skipping meals is not the best choice for many of us, especially if you are a Diabetic. A caloric deficit can easily be achieved by consuming smaller portions throughout the day. Unless you’ve planned your meals out you may end up eating more calories thinking “I haven’t eaten all day so I can treat myself”, also the frequent periods of starvation can put your body into adaptation zone, where your body drops metabolic rate, conserves energy and making your weight loss even more difficult!

**For more information and professional consultation, schedule and appointment with Jalpa Sheth.**


Eating Less Yet Not Losing Weight???

Here’s the Science….

You may have seen at least one such person in your school, neighborhood, family or within yourself, who is not losing weight (instead gaining weight) despite of eating just 1 or 2 meals per day unlike a skinny person who is found to be eating all the time!!! Frustrating, isn’t it? But here’s the science behind it. By eating less than your body needs, you put your body in starvation mode where it slows down the metabolism to adapt; moreover, eating large portions within that 1 or 2 meals per day can lead to fat deposition around your waistline. Scary enough??


Here’s what you do:

1. Eat small meals at frequent intervals.

2. Include high fiber foods for more satiety.

3. Never skip Breakfast.

4. Reach out to a qualified Registered Dietitian to create a balanced diet plan tailored your needs.